Published: 30.11.2023
We congratulate Andrii Bogomolov and the entire team of SE "Rokada" LLC with the award of honorary status and a professional and responsible approach to the matter.
Published: 05.01.2022
Published: 05.07.2021
concerning: a complex of logistic services for all types of cargo transportation, customs clearance, storage of goods and export-import operations carried out by MP "ROKADA" LLC.
Published: 07.06.2021

Rokada Group transported the LR 1600-2 dimensional crane to the port in Ukraine and further transportation in cooperation with Sarens .
Published: 21.05.2021

We remind citizens about the seasonal restrictions on the movement of heavy vehicles during the day from June 1. They are introduced annually at the beginning of the summer season to preserve public roads.
Published: 17.04.2021

In agreement with the presidents and prime ministers of EU countries, the Council of Europe reviewed the recommendations on travel restrictions:
Published: 04.01.2021
BREXIT: End of the transition period
On 31 December 2020, the transition period for the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU ended. This means that the UK is now formally a third country and EU law no longer applies there.
Published: 28.12.2020
Happy New Year
Published: 21.07.2020
Recently we met the 4th aircraft - An 22"Antey" with humanitarian aid.
On the board✈️ :
500 patient monitors;
38 X-rays;
134 000 protective suits.
As usual the customs brokers of Rokada quickly cleared the cargo through customs. Then the equipment and personal protective equipment will be taken to the warehouses of the Naftogaz Group, and soon delivery to hospitals throughout Ukraine will be organized according to the list formed by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
May remind you that Naftogaz of Ukraine purchased 200 tons of humanitarian aid to Ukrainian doctors for amount over 500 million UAH.
Published: 17.05.20
Cooperation for the victory over the coronavirus
In early May, more than 140 tons of personal protective equipment and medical equipment arrived in Ukraine from China. The cargo worth over three hundred million hryvnias was financed by JSC & quot; Ukrgazvydobuvannya & quot; as part of a project with NJSC & ldquo; Naftogaz & rdquo ;.
He was transported from Tianjin by An-22 aircraft & ldquo; Antey & rdquo; and the An-225 & ldquo; Dream & rdquo ;. All medical devices, according to the specialists of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, will be distributed free of charge among Ukrainian medical institutions.
We want to emphasize that this project has a purely charitable purpose.
MP & quot; Rokada & quot; LLC has been fruitfully cooperating with JSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya", a subsidiary of "Naftogaz" for many years. And this time we were not on the sidelines and joined this important charity project. The company & quot; Castling & quot; carried out the adjustment of the logistics of the project - in cooperation with the State Enterprise & quot; Antonov & quot; charter flights were organized. And upon arrival and completion of quarantine control of aircraft, our staff promptly made a declaration and organized the transportation of such necessary cargo to hospitals in cities and towns. # covid19, #coronavirus